Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Outdoor Scene 12/11

For this project, I did the tiling on the pool bottom, inside the house, and the stone on the walls. I created all of the wall pieces of the house to use to tile it along with the roof. I also created the bronze lamps, bed, and pool shape. The tiling was very time consuming because the wall pieces with windows/doorways were ten x ten and I had to do every individual square. I also fixed the original tiling for the blue marble and columns so it could be used as a texture.

Low Poly Model (Going to Redo) 11/9

Mother (Kate) 11/20

Hand-toppo Model
Low Poly toppo Head

High Poly toppo Head

Helmet 11/29

Anatomy Model 10/28

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Duck 12-2

This duck took maybe 3 to 4 hours to complete. The body was the hardest part, mainly because of the feet. I had to dynamesh the body a few times to get it the correct shape with enough geometry. Then, I qremeshed the body down and subdivided it again to get multiple divison levels. My duck seems somewhat angry. Its recognizable as a duck, but, again, isn't as great as I would like it to be... Also, I think I made the legs way to scaly. It also looks like its leaning forward a lot?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Overly Manly Man Meme 11/29

So I decided I wanted to do a sculpt of the Overly Manly Man meme. It was somewhat hard to model his head since there are no closeups or other pictures of him on the internet. My quick sculpt took roughly an hour and a half. His face, especially near his chin/cheeks looks a bit wonky from the side, like he has something in his cheeks. Also, his mustache is different since I was in the mood for a curly mustache :) I found that its really hard to do lips on a man when they have upper lip hair... I also experimented this week by making the eyeballs a part of the mesh and I think that went pretty well considering.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Charmander 11/20

I found Charmander to be the hardest to make so far when it has come to modeling. I was using reference from an already made model and didn't get them to look exactly alike. Charmander is a popular Pokemon, and people know what it looks like, so its kind of derpy. Also, the tail was a b*tch and I forgot about it to be quite frank. Will go back and fix it at some point. Oh well... Took five hours maybe?

Model I was working off of.
My "quick" model. :/

Angry Demonic Cat Mouse 11/19